Introducing Dr Roman

Specialist Gynaecologist and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon, Hamilton, NZ.

Jose Roman MD, MSc, FRCOG, FRANZCOG pioneered major gynaecological laparoscopic surgery in the Waikato Region of New Zealand. Jose performed the first total laparoscopic hysterectomy in the Waikato Region of New Zealand in 1999 and has obtained arguably one of the largest experiences in advanced laparoscopic surgery in Australasia. If you need a specialist opinion, please ask your GP for a referral.

jose roman

Info for patients

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about laparoscopy and medical conditions we treat.


Let us help you. Here's some information on the most common services and surgical procedures performed by Dr Roman and his team.

About us

Quality teamwork is critical in surgical care. Meet the professional team that Dr Roman has been working with for more than 15 years. We're working for you.


Feedback from past and present patients of Dr Roman - women that may well have the same condition as you.

jose roman


Our Rooms are at 95 Clarence Street, Hamilton, NZ. Please phone us on 07 839 7592 or click the link above to send us an email.


Advances and breakthroughs in the specialist field of gynaecology and laparoscopic surgery - personally edited by Dr Roman.